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What to Expect of Sony PS4

21 Feb

For the past year everyone is has been waiting for signs of PS4, and finally a on 20th February 2013 Sony announced it.  During the conference we did not see a glimpse, of the console itself but surely that will happen sometime this year.

What we do know is that PS4 is a Beast of a machine, boasting 8GB ram of processing power, The graphic is amazing.  You can imagine what it can do when, unreal engine tested its processing ability, smooth graphics.

Sony has finally re-designed the dual shock pad, the overall shape looks the same, but larger holders and the analog sticks more tucked in.  The overall look does not appeal to me, rather the new function of touch panel installed.  The touch panel surely will bring a new way of gaming, however we will have to wait til it is released, before we can truly see its potential.

Sony PS4, has set to continue being more then a gaming console.  During the conference,  Sony have made it clear that they will include social networks.  Sony also has teamed up with Blizzard, so Diablo 3 fans should be happy as they have announced it for PS4.

PS4 is scheduled for release for this Christmas 2013.  For more information check out these websites.



Hope everyone had a Awesome Christmas !

27 Dec

Hope everyone had a Awesome Christmas !

Happy holidays


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